Terms Of Use


Storyline World Network (“Storyline World”) operates three websites, www.storyline.pk; www.storylline.com and www.thestorylineworld.com, each of which is subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. Read through these carefully as they apply to your access and use of the sites, along with any products or services that are available from them, unless more specific terms relate to a particular service or product. In this document ‘site’ incorporates all relevant services and products unless otherwise specified

1. User Obligation

By using and/or visiting this site, you have indicated your acknowledgment and assent to these Terms and Conditions and any other terms and conditions which may be introduced by Storyline World on this site from time to time. Your access, use, participation and/or downloading of materials from the site, indicates your agreement to abide by these Terms and Conditions. Storyline World reserves the right to change these “Terms and Conditions” at any time by posting changes online and it is your responsibility to refer to and comply with these “Terms and Conditions” upon accessing the site. We recommend that you print a copy of these “Terms and Conditions” for future reference. If you do not agree to any of these “Terms and Conditions”, please cease from the use of this site, and any associated products or services governed by these “Terms and Conditions”, immediately.

In the event of a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and rules and/or specific terms of use appearing on this site relating to specific products or services, the latter shall prevail.

2. Terms of Use

Accessing this site is only allowed for permissible goals in a way that does not violate any regulation or violate the rights of, or prevent others from accessing and making legal use of, it. Such improper behaviour consists of but is not limited to: harassing individuals, posting offensive remarks, offensive words, distressing third parties or any other potentially objectionable act at Storyline World’s sole and total judgement.

This site requires that you be at least 18 years old, and that you have all the necessary approvals and consents, including legal guardian or parental consent. Moreover, you warrant that you are fully capable and competent to comply with these “Terms and Conditions”.

The Storyline World may assign any or all of its rights and/or obligations under these Terms and Conditions at its sole and absolute discretion. If this occurs, The Storyline World will take reasonable measures to:

(i) Provide notice of such changes by updating these “Terms and Conditions”, and

(ii) Make sure that such an assignment will not adversely affect your legal rights.

3. User Content Submission

Information and other data can be transmitted or posted to various parts of this site (hereinafter referred to as “User Submissions”). These include personal information, photographs, videos, audio materials, written scripts, articles, opinions and any other form of material. User Submissions are subject to the following conditions:

This site may allow users to transmit or post information or other data (hereinafter referred to as “User Submissions”) to it. The User Submissions may include personal information, photographs, videos, audio materials, scripts, articles, opinions, or any other form of material. By uploading any User Submissions, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

3.1. By submitting any User Submissions to this Site, you grant Storyline World an irrevocable, worldwide and unrestricted, royalty-free, transferrable license to use, reproduce, distribute, transform, amend, craft derivative works of, display, perform or remove any parts of the User Submission at their own exclusive discretion and on platforms or media of any kind. Additionally, you waive all moral rights that may apply in relation to any User Submissions. This license and waiver will be valid with no time or geographical limitations.

3.2. Storyline World may use User Submissions for any purpose including, but not limited to, reproduction, broadcasting, transmission, editing, cutting, reformatting, adapting, posting, or any other purpose at its sole and absolute discretion.

3.3. The use and submission of your User Submissions is solely your responsibility, and any claims, complaints, allegations of infringement, damages, third-party rights, or legal action or proceeding arising from it.

3.4. By submitting any User Submission, you affirm, represent, and warrant that you have the right to do so, as well as that you have obtained all clearances, licenses, consents, rights, and permissions necessary to use and authorize Storyline World to use your User Submissions.

3.5. You warrant that you have obtained all necessary licenses, permissions, and authorizations from any relevant rights owners before submitting any User Submission, material, or information on this site that is protected by or subject to any copyright, trade secret, or third-party proprietary right such as privacy and publicity rights. Moreover, you grant Storyline World a license to use the same.

3.6. You further undertake not to submit any User Submission, material, or information that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, political, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially offensive, considered as a criminal offense, gives rise to military/civil liability, encourages criminal action, or violates law, culture or internationally accepted norms and codes of conduct.

3.7. Storyline World shall have sole and absolute discretion regarding the publication and/or display of User Submissions, and Storyline World is not obligated to publish, display or include all or part of any User Submission on this site or any other platform or service.

4. Data Protection

Please refer to our “privacy notice” at Storyline World Privacy Policy for information on what personal data we collect and how we use it.

5. Access to the Site

This site is free of charge to use. It is prohibited for you to access the materials on this site from territories where their content is illegal, as Storyline World does not warrant that they are appropriate or available for use outside of the United States. You are responsible for complying with all local laws if you access this site from outside the United States.

For any reason, Storyline World may suspend, terminate, withdraw, or restrict the availability of all or any part of the site without notice.

All persons accessing the site through your internet connection are responsible for knowing and complying with these Terms and Conditions.

If you are granted credentials to enable you to access any portion of the site, you must treat such credentials as confidential and keep such credentials secure. You must not disclose such credentials to anyone. In the event Storyline World believes that you have not met your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, it may disable your access to any or all portions of the site, and/or revoke your credentials, at any time and without prior notice.

6. Copyright and Other Intellectual Property

The exclusive property of Storyline World, its associated companies and/or third parties are the names, images, logos which identify them and their products and services. Nothing herein shall grant any licence or right under copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights (or any equivalent or similar rights) from Storyline World, its associated companies or any third party.

All copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights (or any equivalent or similar rights) associated with this site must remain the property of Storyline World or its licensors. You may only use the site for your own private, non-commercial purposes. It is strictly forbidden to enable, condone, permit, help or in any way allow a third party to replicate, imitate, download, post, store (including on another website), spread, transmit, broadcast commercially exploit or make changes in any way that would violate any intellectual property rights (or any equivalent or similar rights) of material and content that can be accessed through the site without prior written permission from an authorised representative of Storyline World.

Under no circumstances may you authorize, promote, allow or help in any way with text and data mining or web scraping related to the website. This includes using a “spider”, “scraper”, “bot” or other automated technology, technique or process which would: (i) allow you to access, copy, view or record any section of the website or anything accessible through it; and (ii) analyze any portion of the site or any information, content or User Submissions available via the site to identify trends, connections and patterns.

7. Third-Party Sites / Links

Storyline World takes no responsibility for the availability or content of third-party sites or material accessed through this site. If you choose to visit any linked website, it is your own risk and you must take precautions against viruses or other destructive elements. Storyline World does not promote nor accept responsibility or liability for content, advertising, products, services or information found on or available from third-party sources (including payment for and delivery of such products or services). Furthermore, Storyline World cannot be held accountable for any damage, loss or harm caused by content, advertising, products, services or information obtained from these websites. Any contractual terms related to such dealings are only between yourself and the respective provider of the service.

If you connect this site – as well as any other Storyline World websites – to another place online, these links must link directly to a full page of content and not any part thereof or anything within it. Using the pages of any other website or service with these links ‘framed’ is against the rules. Storyline World cannot be responsible for any legal implications or violation of someone else’s rights due to link creation/use.

No warranties or representations by Storyline World are intended with respect to any third-party websites or services. Links from these sites do not denote approval, endorsement, affiliation, or association with the materials at this website. Additionally, no legal authorization is given for the use of trademark, trade name, logo, copyright symbol or other intellectual property located on these third-party sites or services. Any trademarks remain solely owned by Storyline World and its licensors.

8. Disclaimer / Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge that you are using this site at your own risk and responsibility. To the fullest extent possible by law, Storyline World, its officers, directors, and agents disclaim any warranties, either expressed or implied, in association with this site. Storyline World does not guarantee that the content posted here follows social, cultural and moral norms. In addition, it does not warrant that User Submissions on the site do not violate someone else’s rights.

This site and all related material, such as information, names, images, logos and icons associated with Storyline World and its affiliated companies, products and services – or any third-party items – are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” without any form of representation or guarantee. This includes the lack of warranties regarding satisfactory quality, fitness for a purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

The information and other materials included on this site may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Storyline World does not warrant that the functions contained in this site will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects will be corrected or that this site or the server that makes it available is free of viruses or bugs. Storyline World does not warrant or represent the functionality, reliability, availability, accuracy, or completeness of any services, statements, information, materials, or other information displayed or distributed through the site from time to time. You acknowledge that any reliance on any such statement or information shall be at your own sole risk. Storyline World reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any part of the site and to make changes to the site and to the materials, products, programs, services at any time without notice.

There is no liability on the part of Storyline World and/or any third parties for any damages, including indirect or consequential damages or damages arising from or in relation to any part of the site or any use of it, including, but not limited to, errors or omissions, loss of use, loss of data, loss of profits, loss of opportunities, regardless of whether the claim is based on contract, tort, negligence or any other cause.

It is possible for Storyline World to terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of this site, including the availability of any features, at any time without notice or liability.

9. Indemnity

As a result of your access to and use of this site and/or submission of any User Submissions to this site, you agree to indemnify and keep Storyline World and all of its employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, and associates from any and all claims, damages, expenses, compensation, costs and liabilities.

By using this site, you accept that you may come across User Submissions from numerous sources, like other users acting independently. These User Submissions may be wrong, off-putting, improper or objectionable. Therefore, you waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies against Storyline World related to any such User Submissions and whatever else is accessed through the website.

10. Law and Jurisdiction

United States and Pakistani law shall govern and construe these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions, and any use of the site, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with those laws. US and Pakistani courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions, or your use of this site. Upon arising a claim or cause of action against these Terms and Conditions or your use of this site, you must file it within one (1) year of its occurrence.

Should any section of these Terms and Conditions be adjudged illegal, invalid or unenforceable in a particular jurisdiction due to the laws of said state or country, that portion shall be severed from the clause and voided. The rest of the Terms and Conditions shall remain binding and enforceable.

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